Twin Rivers Golf Club

2100 Ekana Drive, Oviedo, Florida, 32765

Twin Rivers Golf Club Deals

콤보 데이
유효한 9X
25% 꺼짐
장바구니 포함

거래 세부 정보

골프 패스 지역

Twin Rivers Golf Club is available in the Mid-Atlantic Golf Pass and Super Pass

지도 위치

Twin Rivers Golf Club details

The championship layout at Twin Rivers Golf Club has been recognized as one of the best and challenging golf courses in Central Florida and the Oviedo golf community. Recently acquired by the City of Oviedo – come see our improved conditions and learn more about our plan to become one of the jewels of Central Florida. Located in Oviedo, Florida Twin Rivers represents a wildlife experience. Nature meets golf at Twin Rivers. Twin Rivers Golf Club is a semi-private golf club. We welcome all public play – our friendly, helpful and courteous staff is dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience every time you visit. We strive to make it right every day! We offer a wide variety of golf membership programs. Our members enjoy an outstanding selection of Orlando golf activities, social events and special membership privileges.

대서양 중부 골프 패스

지금 구매하기

Slow play is the silent killer of professional golf. Fans are fed up. Broadcasters are out of filler content. Even Dottie Pepper is out here dropping truth bombs. But fear not, golf world—we’ve brainstormed some wildly effective (and slightly ridiculous) ways to fix this problem.

1. The Shock Clock (Yes, You Read That Right)

Forget penalty strokes. Golfers get an electric shock if they take longer than 40 seconds to hit a shot. Nothing major—just a gentle zap to remind them to keep it moving. Want to line up that 3-footer for five minutes? Zap. Overanalyzing wind