
105 스카치 홀 코트, 메리 힐, 노스캐롤라이나, 27957

Occano 거래

콤보 데이
유효한 2X
장바구니 포함
추가 혜택
Valid ∞
숙박 및 플레이

거래 세부 정보

골프 패스 지역

Occano is available in the Mid-Atlantic Golf Pass and Super Pass

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대서양 중부 골프 패스

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If your golf swing has a dreaded “chicken wing,” you’re not alone. Many golfers struggle with getting their right arm into the proper position during the backswing. Fortunately, Darren deMaille from QuickFixGolf.com has a simple solution: the Charlie Woods Elbow Drill.

What’s the Chicken Wing?

The “chicken wing” happens when your right arm doesn’t rotate properly, causing the elbow to stick out during the swing. This leads to poor contact and inconsistent shots.

How to Fix It

To use the Charlie Woods elbow drill:

Hold your left hand behind your