
215 Huguenot St, 뉴팔츠, 뉴욕, 12561

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유효한 4X
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콤보 데이
유효한 4X
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골프 패스 지역

New Paltz is available in the Northeast Golf Pass and Super Pass

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지금 구매하기

If your golf swing is plagued by coming over the top, you’re not alone—this is one of the most common mistakes among golfers. Luckily, there’s an easy drill to help fix this issue and put your club in the right position.

This week’s TeeTime Golf Pass Tip of the Week, brought to you by QuickFixGolf.com, features Darren DeMille demonstrating the Spiderman Drill, a simple technique designed to improve your swing path and help you come from the inside.

The Spiderman Drill:

Set Up Against a Net: Stand close to your practice net with your back lightly touching