게으른 백조

1754 올드 킹스 하이, 수거티즈, 뉴욕, 12477

게으른 백조 딜

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평일 거래
유효한 4X
장바구니 포함
주말 특가
유효한 2X
장바구니 포함

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지금 구매하기

Slicing the ball off the tee? You’re not alone. A slice is one of the most common swing issues among amateur golfers, and it usually comes down to one major flaw—an open clubface at impact.

Luckily, fixing it might be as simple as bouncing a soccer ball! 🏌️‍♂️⚽

QuickFixGolf.com’s Darren deMaille breaks down how this easy drill trains your right wrist to move correctly, helping you square the clubface and straighten out your shots.

How It Works:

The Problem: When slicing, your right