Brown's Run

6855 Sloebig Rd, Middletown, Ohio, 45042

Brown's Run Deals

평일 거래
유효한 2X
장바구니 포함
주말 특가
유효한 2X
장바구니 포함
시니어 스페셜
장바구니 포함

거래 세부 정보

골프 패스 지역

Brown's Run is available in the Lower Midwest Golf Pass and Super Pass

지도 위치

Brown's Run details

For more than sixty years, Brown's Run has been the premier recreational choice for families seeking to create special memories. The beauty of Brown's Run classic golf course design stands today, ready to be enjoyed by all who love the game and seek its challenges at the highest level.

로어 미드웨스트 골프 패스

지금 구매하기

Putting is one of the most personal parts of golf—just take a look at the pros, and you’ll see a variety of different putting grips in play. But with so many styles, how do you know which one is right for you?

In this TeeTime Golf Pass Tip of the Week, Darren deMaille from breaks down the most common putting grips and how to find the one that works best for your game.

7 Popular Putting Grips & Their Benefits

Conventional (Reverse Overlap): The standard grip for