컨트리 클럽 오브 바레

142 Drake Rd, Barre, Vermont, 5641

컨트리 클럽 오브 바레 특가

콤보 데이
장바구니 포함

거래 세부 정보

골프 패스 지역

Country Club of Barre is available in the Northeast Golf Pass and Super Pass

지도 위치

컨트리 클럽 오브 바레 세부 정보

Founded in 1924, and celebrating our 100th anniversary, the Country Club of Barre is considered one of the “must play” courses in central Vermont. Nestled in the rolling hills of Plainfield, Vermont, the Country Club of Barre offers a unique and rewarding golf experience.\r\nYou will experience golf at its finest with scenic views of the beautiful Vermont landscape. Our course is designed with all players in mind, from the beginner to the experienced. Players will find the course challenging and fun to play.

노스이스트 골프 패스

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