TeeTime Golf Pass Tip of the Week: Mastering Shoulder Tilt for Better Shots

Shoulder Tilt

Your stance and shoulder tilt can make or break your swing. Understanding how your shoulder angle changes with different clubs is a game-changer, especially when switching from a wedge to a driver. This week’s TeeTime Golf Pass Tip of the Week, brought to you by QuickFixGolf.com, shares a simple drill to help you visualize and perfect your shoulder tilt for better consistency and distance.

Here’s the Drill:

  1. Set Up with a Wedge
    • Grab a wedge and stand close to the ball, with your toes aligned to the handle.
    • Hold an alignment stick across your shoulders.
    • Rotate your shoulders, ensuring the stick points to the ball line (represented by a second alignment stick on the ground).
    • Notice the steepness of your shoulder turn.
  2. Move to a Driver
    • Stand farther from the ball, aligning your toes to the driver handle.
    • Repeat the same motion with the alignment stick across your shoulders.
    • Observe how much flatter your shoulder turn is compared to the wedge setup.
  3. Avoid the Common Mistake
    • With a driver, the worst mistake is tilting your shoulders too steeply, mimicking a wedge motion. This creates poor swing mechanics and can lead to inaccurate shots.

You can watch this in practice here:

Why This Works

Understanding and adjusting your shoulder tilt based on your club ensures proper swing mechanics. Wedges require a steeper shoulder turn due to the closer stance, while drivers benefit from a flatter tilt, supporting the longer arc needed for distance.

By incorporating this drill into your practice, you’ll gain better control over your shots and improve your overall performance.

Bonus Tip

Before your next round, don’t forget your TeeTime Golf Pass! Save big on local courses while fine-tuning your skills.

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