TeeTime Golf Pass Tip of the Week: Play Smarter with Jack & Tiger’s Winning Formula

pro golf tip

Want to score lower and play better golf? This week’s tip, brought to you by QuickFixGolf.com, takes inspiration from the winning strategies of two of golf’s greatest legends—Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods. Their timeless approach to the game offers five essential tips to help you dominate on the course.

1. No Bogeys on Par Fives

Par fives are your prime scoring opportunity. A bogey on these holes is a wasted chance. Jack and Tiger aimed for at least par—and often birdie—on every par five. By avoiding bogeys and capitalizing on these holes, you set yourself up for lower scores over the round.

2. Avoid Double Bogeys

Double bogeys happen when you make two bad decisions in a row. Take your medicine when you’re in trouble and focus on damage control. One bad shot doesn’t have to become two. Keep doubles off your scorecard by playing smart.

3. No Three-Putts

Distance control is critical to avoiding those dreaded three-putts. While it’s tempting to spend most of your practice time smashing drives, make sure you dedicate time to your putting, especially from long range. Improved putting equals lower scores—simple as that.

4. Capitalize on Scoring Clubs

When you’ve got scoring clubs (like your wedges, 9-iron, or 8-iron) in your hands, it’s go time. Jack and Tiger both emphasized accuracy and avoiding mistakes with these clubs. Take a safer approach and avoid short-siding yourself. Use these clubs to set up birdie chances, not bogeys.

5. No Double Chips

When you’re around the green—whether in a bunker or 20-30 yards out—get the ball onto the green in one shot. Trying to get too fancy can lead to disaster. A simple chip that gets you putting is always better than a second attempt from the same spot.

By following these tips, you can sharpen your strategy and improve your game—just like the legends did. Check out this week’s video to learn more about these tips.

And remember, having your TeeTime Golf Pass means scoring big on and off the course. Don’t miss out on the best golf deals at your favorite courses!

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