Pierce Lake

1175 South Main St, Chelsea, Michigan, 48118

Pierce Lake Deals

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Golf Pass Region

Pierce Lake is available in the Upper Midwest Golf Pass and Super Pass

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Pierce Lake details

With its rolling terrain, scenic vistas, quality amenities and reasonable fees, Pierce Lake Golf Course provides an exceptional golfing experience. Golfers of all skill levels enjoy playing the front nine, while the wooded areas, wetlands and tighter fairways of the back nine challenge more experienced golfers. The 18-hole championship layout was designed by Harry Bowers and is located between the City of Chelsea and I-94, easily accessible from the entire southeastern Michigan region.

Upper Midwest Golf Pass

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Putting is one of the most personal parts of golf—just take a look at the pros, and you’ll see a variety of different putting grips in play. But with so many styles, how do you know which one is right for you?

In this TeeTime Golf Pass Tip of the Week, Darren deMaille from QuickFixGolf.com breaks down the most common putting grips and how to find the one that works best for your game.

7 Popular Putting Grips & Their Benefits

Conventional (Reverse Overlap): The standard grip for