Hawk Meadows

410 E Marr Rd, Howell, Michigan, 48855

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Golf Pass Region

Hawk Meadows is available in the Upper Midwest Golf Pass and Super Pass

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Hawk Meadows details

Hawk Meadows Golf Club, located just north of downtown Howell in Livingston County, offers the best golfing value in southeast Michigan. Built in 1969, Hawk Meadows has matured nicely over the spacious 175-acre property. Our course offers 18 holes of public golf with four different sets of tees ranging in distance for 6,399 to 4,999 in total yardage. Hawk Meadows offers the lower handicap golfer a rare challenge while higher handicap players, seniors, ladies, juniors, and beginners will enjoy a very playable environment. We have late model golf carts available for use but if you enjoy walking, Hawk Meadows is a very walkable course.

Upper Midwest Golf Pass

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Slicing the ball off the tee? You’re not alone. A slice is one of the most common swing issues among amateur golfers, and it usually comes down to one major flaw—an open clubface at impact.

Luckily, fixing it might be as simple as bouncing a soccer ball! 🏌️‍♂️⚽

QuickFixGolf.com’s Darren deMaille breaks down how this easy drill trains your right wrist to move correctly, helping you square the clubface and straighten out your shots.

How It Works:

The Problem: When slicing, your right