
57737 W. Nine Mile Rd., South Lyon, Michigan, 48178

Cattails Deals

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Golf Pass Region

Cattails is available in the Upper Midwest Golf Pass and Super Pass

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Cattails details

Four sets of tees enable golfers to experience the course at their own level of challenges from 4974 yards to 6436 yards. The slope and rating is 72.0 / 133 from the championship tees. The course is extremely well marked to yardage to speed play. With your cooperation, the course should take no more than 4:10 to play as rated by the U.S.G.A..

Upper Midwest Golf Pass

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Slicing the ball off the tee? You’re not alone. A slice is one of the most common swing issues among amateur golfers, and it usually comes down to one major flaw—an open clubface at impact.

Luckily, fixing it might be as simple as bouncing a soccer ball! 🏌️‍♂️⚽’s Darren deMaille breaks down how this easy drill trains your right wrist to move correctly, helping you square the clubface and straighten out your shots.

How It Works:

The Problem: When slicing, your right