Delphos CC

7055 Shenk Rd, Delphos, Ohio, 45833

Delphos CC Deals

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Valid 1X
$5 OFF
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Golf Pass Region

Delphos CC is available in the Midwest Golf Pass and Super Pass

Map Location

Midwest Golf Pass

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Welcome to this week’s TeeTime Golf Pass Tip of the Week, brought to you by! If you’re looking for a simple yet powerful way to improve your ball striking, PGA golf instructor Darren deMaille is here to help with a game-changing approach—the Ben Doyle Illusion Map.

Ben Doyle, a legendary golf coach, developed a visual roadmap for perfecting your club movement throughout the swing. The key? Matching your club’s positions to a simple grid system that ensures solid contact, improved accuracy, and a more repeatable swing.

How the Illusion Map Works

✔ Target