Next Shot Golf

5218 Simpson Ferry Rd., Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, 17050

Next Shot Golf Deals

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Golf Pass Region

Next Shot Golf is available in the Mid-Atlantic Golf Pass and Super Pass

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Next Shot Golf details

Next Shot Golf is a small business created from the ground up by brothers David and Jim Klock. We have four simulators which use state of the art technology and software (E6 Connect). We have one private room (over 900 sq. ft.), one semi-private room (over 600 sq. ft.), and two simulators in the open area. We also provide full golf club repair service, golf club components, and Callaway Golf equipment. Our desire is to create an environment where people want to gather, work on their golf game, laugh, and enjoy life. For us, this is not only a business but an opportunity to be involved in the community. We will work with other organizations who are impacting our community and look forward to helping others take their "next shot."

Mid-Atlantic Golf Pass

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Slicing the ball off the tee? You’re not alone. A slice is one of the most common swing issues among amateur golfers, and it usually comes down to one major flaw—an open clubface at impact.

Luckily, fixing it might be as simple as bouncing a soccer ball! 🏌️‍♂️⚽’s Darren deMaille breaks down how this easy drill trains your right wrist to move correctly, helping you square the clubface and straighten out your shots.

How It Works:

The Problem: When slicing, your right